Godaddy finally finds agency who shares their bad taste in idiotic boobage ads

The Ad Store didn't want to touch them with a ten-foot pole after starting GoDaddy down the path of free press due to bad ads, but it seems GoDaddy has finally found a match in agencies and their Canadian campaign is not done in-house. It's credited to "NB agency" and directed by Nir Bashan (which pretty much screams "spec work by lone ranger" but it is not submitted as such). No celebrity boobtastic gals like Danica Patrick in this one.

It does however contain gratuitous bikini-gals, and "pretty girls are stupid" jokes. Perhaps they're referencing the "math is hard" barbie-dolls from the eighties, perhaps I'm giving them way too much credit. The NB Agency, Los Angeles, who also did the rubbish Megawoman Microsoft ad last year, have taken on GoDaddy ad and credit these as being aired in Canada. Really?

Lets see what they got for us, bikiniclad girl and math.

Lets forget the idiotic for a moment, this has been done before, and way better. Want a dumb chick in your ad? Do a "What bus?" girl like in the AMC Rebel ad from 1970. While you're at it, take your time machine and go back to 1970. Want to have a bikiniclad girl in an ad for no reason at all? Take notes from CSI Miami's show preview in superbowl 2007. But oh, it gets worse, they made two on the same idea and pretend it's a campaign. I won't even begin to comment on the hobby production values, you guys have eyes.

If you fancy watching more GoDaddy crap just search Godaddy type commercials and you'll find them all.

And if you fancy moving your domains the hell away from Godaddy, is pretty, simple and cheap.src="">Megawoman Microsoft ad last year, have taken on GoDaddy ad and credit these as being aired in Canada. Really?

Lets see what they got for us, bikiniclad girl and math.

Lets forget the idiotic for a moment, this has been done before, and way better. Want a dumb chick in your ad? Do a "What bus?" girl like in the AMC Rebel ad from 1970. While you're at it, take your time machine and go back to 1970. Want to have a bikiniclad girl in an ad for no reason at all? Take notes from CSI Miami's show preview in superbowl 2007. But oh, it gets worse, they made two on the same idea and pretend it's a campaign. I won't even begin to comment on the hobby production values, you guys have eyes.

If you fancy watching more GoDaddy crap just search Godaddy type commercials and you'll find them all.

And if you fancy moving your domains the hell away from Godaddy, is pretty, simple and cheap.

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