First Advertising Tool to Incorporate Taste now available.

Tasty ads Think we were done invading peoples senses and body parts with advertising? Think again, after thumb ads, forhead ads, ads in the sky, on the beaches, on every street corner, on gas pumps, tickets and even eggs, we have now arrived at abondoning sight and selling through tastebuds. Really. See Money Matters: Driving sales through taste. Adnan Aziz , the Founder & Executive Vice President of Product Development at First Flavor Inc. who emailed us about it reckons it's a first. I'm not so sure... You never know in adland. The technology of little tastestrips is pretty new tough, you've probably seen the mint papers one can buy. Picture that but tasting like beef. Or eel. Or surströmming. *shudder* Eeew. I love the way the ABC presenter is in awe of the fact that it has no calories. Yeah, that's what's important here - not that you're missing out on the texture of the food you might be sampling. What is Kobe beef without the juicy? What are BBQ crisps without the crunch? Gross, that's what.

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