The Weinstein Company Taps Cardlytics to Target Active Moveiegoers for Southpaw Release

With 11% of moviegoers accounting for 51% of box office spend, it’s more important than ever for studios to reach the “active moviegoer" audience.  But up until now, there's been no data platform to help them reach this group with the right message, at the right time.


Slated for announcement later this week, a first-of-its-kind program will enable studios to effectively target active moviegoers based on their actual purchase data - the strongest signal to connect advertisers to their customers - to help take the guesswork out of getting them into theatres opening weekend. 


Cardlytics, the company that pioneered Card-Linked Marketing, is teaming up with Palisades MediaGroup to develop a campaign for The Weinstein Company to influence weekend box office for the July 24th release of Southpaw. The new campaign will use Cardlytics’ unique purchase data from banks to target active moviegoers who have not only purchased tickets online, but also at the box office, where more than 85% of active moviegoers buy their tickets.


If you’re interested in the story, I can send you the full press release, which is under an embargo of 8am PST on Thursday, July 9th. I can also set up interviews with executives from Cardlytics, Palisades MediaGroup or The Weinstein Company.

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