Watch out kids, they are targeting you "psycho-graphically" now - BMW mockumentary a plan.

Ah haha ha ha, that BMW ad you've been seeing recently? A huge plan that was, see that BMW's mockumentary: "Behind BMW's mock-ad" by Melissa Morgenweck at CNN.
WSJ even reckons that they ran a risk running with an idea like that. Duh. ANY idea is a risk. if it's not a RISK it is not an IDEA. Got me? Jesus, ad-babies know that.

Anyway, to quote them:

Earlier this year, a half-hour mockumentary about a small Bavarian town's attempt to catapult a BMW car from Germany to the U.S. via a giant ramp garnered positive buzz from auto and pop-culture blogs. Yet rather than soak up the glory, BMW spent weeks refusing to claim the short film for what it was -- a viral-marketing campaign created by the company's ad agency, GSD&M Idea City.

And here's another choice quote from Money.Cnn

"We never target demographically. We always focus psycho-graphically," said Jack Pitney, vice president of Marketing at BMW North America. "It means what kind of mindset do we think this vehicle will really resonate with? In the end it could be an 18-year old and it could be an 80-year old. But if they share a similar mindset we think we have the right car for them."

The age old question is, how much does it all sell? I'm entertained, and I want it pretty bad, but you know - I don't actually have a driver's license yet. Tough titties if you sold it all to me then, right? FAIL!

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