Volvo wants to inspire your senses

Last week Volvo introduced a logo overhaul by branding agency Bite. There aren't major changes but the "male" iron mark is more curved and has a thicker bevelled edge and the silver used was given a softer matt shade in an attempt to create a more luxurious feel.

And this week was the launch for the FEEL campaign for the new Volvo C70 in the UK. The FEEL campaign is "designed to inspire people to reawaken their senses, see life in a new light and open their minds to the pure pleasure the new Volvo C70 coupé/convertible brings."

The ads shot in Hawaii will be seen in cinemas, as an interactive TV ad, in magazine and national press advertisements, and on a mirco site.

The site has has two films, one TV spot and another 2 minute "FEEL film".

To find them, open the guide book and select movie in the table of contents.

Client: Volvo

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