Volkswagen - Don't laugh. - (1966) printad (USA)

A Volkswagen police car may seem like a funny idea to you, but it makes a lot of sense to the city of Scottsboro, Alabama.

They wanted a car that could take Police Officer H. L. Wilkerson on parking meter patrol; all day, 6 days a week, in stop-and- go traffic. Without breaking down. And without breaking the taxpayers.

So, in 1964, they bought Car S-5: a VW with a dome light, siren, and 2-way radio.

That was the year of Scottsboro's only 12" snowfall. The other police cars were in trouble up to their hubcaps. But Car S-5 was a credit to the Force. It went uphill. And downhill. And Officer Wilkerson didn't even bother to put the chains on.

Officer Wilkerson isn't supposed to go after speeders. But one day (in 1965) he
chased one. And caught him. It's hard to say who was more surprised.

Car S-5 still averages 29 miles per gallon. It still doesn't use any oil between changes. And it's never had a breakdown.

After a year and a half of continuous use, it had its clutch re-placed, and its valves adjusted. That is all.


Ad agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), New York

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