Vodka or mineral water? Why not both?

Russian vodka makers confuse punters with concealed vodka commercials - Pravda: Что россиянам не показывай, все равно водку видят.

In the aftermath of strict new Russian advertising laws (a full ban on advertising any alcoholic drinks stronger than 15%) the Vodka makers are getting creative.

The trick pioneered by cigarette brands is being employed as mineral water, chocolates and even magazines that are actually ads for Vodka brands.

Flagman chocolates carries the same name as Flagman Vodka, and people perceive the commercials for the chocolate to be commercials for the vodka according to a poll conducted by the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service.

As a result of that poll the Anti-Monpoly service told the channel NTV to stop airing the ads. Waltz Boston vodka makes ads for mineral water in bottles that look a lot like their vodka bottles, and may be next in line, as fifteen percent of people polled thought they actually were ads for the Vodka, not the water.

The anti-monopoly service are considering "a special decision regarding inappropriate commercial advertising of strong alcohol drinks."

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