Telia Minicall - Quiz Show - (1992) 0:60 (Sweden)

(this ad is both subtitled and translated here in text)

- "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the final question."
- "If our contestant gives the right answer he's going to walk away with all of this!"

SPX: applause

- It's a new thrilling round!"
- "Can you hear me?"
- (contestant) "Yes."

- "Now, here is the question. What was the name of the American President who was forced to resign due to involvement in the so-called "watergate" scandal?"

- (at home) "Easy easy, write it!"

- "We'll have to have your answer now."

- (contestant) "Noxin".

- "Noxin!? Close, very close. But not right. We'll have to bring in the next contestant instead."

Super + VO.

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