Tawny Kitae sprawled across the hoods of cars again, designer robots whine about clients.

G'day, here to bring you your post lunch giggles.
The 80s music video star Tawny Kitae , who is most famous for cartwheeling over the hoods of luxury vehicles in a 1980's Whitesnake video that seared her image onto the brains of every teenage lad with poddle-hair who saw it, has just been arrested for a DUI says LA Times. LAPD sprawled her on the car and asked her to renenact the video during the arrest. No they didn't. I just can't KITAEN myself! / Wayne's World.

Done with that pleasant flashback, here's a snap back to reality. Graphic Designer vs Client. Let the robot say what you are thinking before you go to that meeting. It lets some steam off. Or I think that is the idea with these videos made by folks in the biz whining about how mistreated we are by clients. It's a wonder we have time to get any work done at all, considering how many of these lot can be found.

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