
The Trussel Trust foodbank gets a timely topical ad from SCA 2.0 students

A very timely topical ad!

FullContact - Connecting data (2020) :60 (USA)

Connecting data. Consolidating identities. Applying insights.

Kidum - Yehoshua/TBWA Latest Radio Campaign: "Are You Focused?"

Like in many countries, universities in Israel require students to take S.A.T exams.

Centerpartiet - Dreams / Future plans - valfilm 2010

"Centerpartiet" is as the name alludes the center party n Sweden's political landscape.

Let the ad generator do your job.....Maybe not.


Crispin Porter and Bogusky plays strip poker

If a friend acted like this, we'd all be telling them "You know what your problem is?

Real young creatives show us their.. uh.. guns.

CP&B who are handling the stunts for the Young Gun awards these came up with this campaign, real young creatives pose nekkid holding up their best

IBM - Students / Always going places (1987) - 0:30 (USA)

Students are always going places, now there's a computer that can go with them.
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