Super Bowl ad slots almost gone

Adage reports that the ad slots for the Super Bowl on February 3, 2008 are 90% sold out.

One media buyer estimated News Corp.'s Fox has "less than 10, but more than five" 30-second spots left to sell. A person familiar with the situation said Fox has sold more than 90% of its ad time for the game.


Fox has been seeking as much as $2.7 million for a 30-second spot in next year's game and now might seek more, according to a person familiar with the situation.

As a bonus this year, Fox has offered advertisers the chance to place ads on corporate sibling MySpace, and the network will run on-air promotions during the game that will urge viewers to visit the social-networking website. Advertisers will be able to offer different perks to those who watch the ads online, including coupons, links to other websites or the chance to see movie trailers.

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