Sunkist och Gunilla - Marmelade & Orange drink (1965) 4:50 (Sweden)

This infomercial spot is titled "Den solen älskar" - the one the sun loves, and it opens on a little girl looking at a Sunkist ad in a magazine. 'Mommie look there is "Tjorven"', says the girl, Tjorven is a fictional character created by Astrid Lindgren who lives on a fictional island called Saltkråkan. When it became a TV-Show, Tjorven was played by Karin Maria Eleonora Josefina. "But what is she drinking?" asks the girl. Her mother explains that in every one of those Sunkist cones, there is the juice of California Oranges.

So, why is it called Sunkist, asks the girl, and her mother explains that every orange has been kissed by the sun, before she goes on a long explanation of how practical this packaging is.

This old ad is an A+ example of reading the brief.

Clients: Sunkist orange juice and Gunilla marmelade

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