Sonic wants you to make TJ a drink

How many Sonic thirst-quenching combinations are there? Make TJ Drink is a new microsite they've created where you can try your hand at mixing. The point is to try to figure out TJ's ultimate drink. TJ happens to be one of the blokes in the Sonic ads (never realized that was his name-see below). I'm guessing it's more fun to try to gross him out than get the right combo. ;)

What's even more surprising, is their Salad microsite where you create a message (Word salad) to send to your friends (or enemies). Before it's sent, the site "tosses your salad" and before it can be read the recipient has to "untoss the salad". I can't imagine that's a term most would like to think about when you're thinking of fast food.

TJ is the one on the left.

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