Sofa King low, Sofa King juicy burgers don't sell sofas, but burgers.

Their prices might not be "Sofa King Low", like the Sofa King slogan claimed theirs were before the slogan got banned in 2005, and ended up on our top ten banned ads list in 2010. But the Sofa King Juicy Burger are determined to take on the sofa king cheeky name and have already caused a stir in Red Bank where their sofa king name has raised a few brows for being "odd". Not everyone are sofa king fast at picking up on the joke:

Michael O'Connor took our page and read it. Read it again; a few more times and a little faster, and then, "Oh, yeah. I got it," he said. "I get it!"

Sofa king hilarious.

But, is the name, even said with a wink, too edgy for Red Bank? The intersection is the entrance to the town's business district and attracting new business is key to a brighter future.
How will this go over with locals and those looking to put down roots?
"I think they're gonna laugh about it, " Latiff added. "It's catchy. It's got a catchy ring to it, so I think they'll enjoy it."
"Yeah, that's bold and they're making a statement," agreed O'Connor. "So, I should at least go try it and see; see how it tastes."
Mayor Roberts says he believes the issue has been blown out of proportion.
"If they put a big bad word on the billboard, then that would raise a big fuss," he explained. "But, it's definitely by how you look at it. You know?
"I hope they're not pulling a fast one on us, but I don't think they are, really," said Mayor Roberts. "They seem like good, legitimate business owners for our city."

src="">got banned in 2005, and ended up on our top ten banned ads list in 2010. But the Sofa King Juicy Burger are determined to take on the sofa king cheeky name and have already caused a stir in Red Bank where their sofa king name has raised a few brows for being "odd". Not everyone are sofa king fast at picking up on the joke:

Michael O'Connor took our page and read it. Read it again; a few more times and a little faster, and then, "Oh, yeah. I got it," he said. "I get it!"

Sofa king hilarious.

But, is the name, even said with a wink, too edgy for Red Bank? The intersection is the entrance to the town's business district and attracting new business is key to a brighter future.
How will this go over with locals and those looking to put down roots?
"I think they're gonna laugh about it, " Latiff added. "It's catchy. It's got a catchy ring to it, so I think they'll enjoy it."
"Yeah, that's bold and they're making a statement," agreed O'Connor. "So, I should at least go try it and see; see how it tastes."
Mayor Roberts says he believes the issue has been blown out of proportion.
"If they put a big bad word on the billboard, then that would raise a big fuss," he explained. "But, it's definitely by how you look at it. You know?
"I hope they're not pulling a fast one on us, but I don't think they are, really," said Mayor Roberts. "They seem like good, legitimate business owners for our city."

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