Rizla advert banned over 'drug reference'

The UK advertising watchdog (ASA) has banned a Rizla advert because it could be seen as condoning the use of cannabis.

The Rizla ad carried the line "Twist and Burn" - immediately a rival brand complained to the ASA and claimed the ad "condoned the product's use for the consumption of illegal drugs".

The ASA carried out an investigation and found that, in some dictionaries, "twist" was a slang term for a cannabis joint and "burn" could be referred to smoking one, they also added that 'cannabis cigarettes are normally fatter than those filled with tobacco and twisted at one end to prevent the contents falling out.' wow, they know their stuff. ;)

Imperial Tobacco, makers of Rizla, said "twist and burn" was a phrase commonly used by motorcyclists and meant turning the bike's throttle and "burning rubber" along a road.

Rizla said that they are aware "a minority" use Rizlas with soft drugs, they stated: "it was not its intended purpose" and they "did not condone that use".

Who wants to guess what the rival brand that reported this ad may be? :)

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