Link Lust: Funkier than a mosquito's linker.

Badland scandal brewing in India & Marocco:

An official communiqué from O&M informs that it has been brought to the agency's attention that
Shems, a Morocco-based advertising agency and production company, has copied a TV commercial done by O&M India for Perfetti Van Melle India.

see :ExchangeforMedia.

Nintendo shops for new agency Kotaku and Nintendo World Report both point their gamer-console blistered fingers at karmarama saying they're it. You remember Karmarama, they're the ones who did the "make tea not war" protest posters years back. :)

These links brought to you by the Zune (iPod)-dancing Ballmer - whcih rumor has it, got the microsoft employee guilty of redirecting to the films fired. the Register

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