Link Lust: Bird ad agency comic, wicked safe creative & the beancast

More on the sad demise from the agency that brought us "where's the beef" in Creativity online - Cliff Freeman shutters after 22 years. This is really quite sad.

Hear this? I, along with CC Chapman (@cc_chapman Digital Dads), Len Kendall (@lenkendall the 3 six 5 project) and Bill make the logo bigger Green (@mtlb) were talking about Victors and Spoils, procurement, death of DM and the total non surprise that Seth MacFarlane can be offensive on episode 77 of the beancast. Grab the mp3 right here, or subscribe via itunes. Meanwhile our host Bob Knorpp just got a column published in ad age this week.

Seen this? The Cuckoos "The Cuckoos is a comic strip about a small advertising agency called “Cuckoo Advertising Agency”. "... 'cept they're all birds, right? Not birds, birds as in hawks and crows and, just look at it. hat tip lordFredruk.

After watching this, I must now end everything I say with "wicked, safe, creative"

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