Later, Spam! Report spam on twitter, get points in budding game-app

How clever. Andre Torrez has just launched "Later, Spam!" which makes reporting twitter-spam a bit more fun, or like game. Say you suddenly have an @-feed full of mentions from Britney Spear lookalikes... Simply log in to with your twitter account and you can see if twitter has confirmed it as spam, and if you already reported it as spam. "What's so game-like about that" you say, unimpressed. Ah, that's the fun part. You'll get points. See it all started when Torrez tweeted this idea that "If I had the time, I'd make an app where you can report twitter spammers and get a point when they're deactivated. (There's an API method for it)". Since then he found some time and put together a basic site. What will the points get you? Nothing yet, apart from the satisfaction of seeing when twitter confirms that a reported spam-account was spam, which is a nice enough itch to have scratched. Wouldn't it be hilarious in the not too far off future if the Hormel foods, makers of Spam® got in on this and offered a prize to the top twenty spam-reporters. Say, a crate of Spam®....

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