Jiffy Lube "Testimonial" (2014) :30 (USA)

And now, a warm and fuzzy moment from...Jiffy Lube. Surprising, I know. Smart casting though, as I don't suppose a dude would care about his relationship to the guy who changes his oil.

Client: Jiffy Lube
Agency: JWT Atlanta
President & Chief Creative Officer: Perry Fair
Producer: Khia Banks
Creative Directors: Jeremy Jones & Dustin Tamilio
Copywriter: James Turek
Art Director: Derek Kirkman
Account Supervisor: Brittany Robinson
Account Director: Katherine Collins
Group Account Director: Lesley Brown
Production Company: Logan & Sons
EP: Kevin Batten
Director: Paul Minor
DP: Matthias Koenigswieser
Edit: Logan Hefflefinger of Lucky Post
Postproduction: Logan & Sons

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