Game Of War Fire Age - Kate Upton / Decisions - (2014) :60 (USA)

Yikes. Remember the evolution of the Evony game ads which went from warriors to boobtastic damsels, to basically a picture of cleavage straight up? This ad is a bit like those early Evony banners. Just improved with $40 million dollars in budget, and a busty celebrity model. Oh, and some really cool fire-spitting dragon CGI. So I guess if you want free games with dragons, you know where to go. And if you cross your fingers and pray maybe this'll evolve in the same way and eventually sell on boobs alone. Oh wait, Venga Boys already cornered that niche.

The irony was that those Evony ads were put by Google on this website. Google Adsense then banned Adland for showing an ad far tamer than the ones they themselves ran on our site, then unbanned us, and banned again. Consistency, yo. This is why I hate people.

Title "Decisions "
Agency: Untitled Worldwide
Production Company : Anonymous Content - Los Angeles
Special Effects / VFX : Methodstudios
Mix Company : Heard City
Client: Machine Zone / Game of War: Fire Age

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