Facebook: soon the worlds largest ad agency? They want you to be their copywriter.

Facebook wants you, dear writer, with a minimum bachelors degree in English, Design, Journalism, Marketing or a related field for their gig as Marketing Communications Copywriter.

This, and the recent launch of Facebook Studio to 'reach out to advertising agencies' and let them 'showcase their work' makes it seem as if the winds are blowing toward Facebook wanting to be part of a marketing department near you soon.

We built this site to celebrate innovation, creativity and effectiveness on Facebook. It’s a community for you to share your work, get recognized by your peers and get rewarded for building campaigns that are Social by design.

The best thing Facebook could do is stop 'Zuckerpunching' every ad agency that builds their pages/groups/whatnot-facebook things by sudden unannounced changes to the API and general site functions. All the really great ideas (like the Whopper sacrifice and the Ikea showroom) were done without facebook involvement, in fact the sacrifice pissed FB off quite a bit and was as the NYT puts it "defriended" by Facebook.

Still in effort to make good friends with the ad agencies now, Facebook has a Gallery, a Spotlight and an agency directory. To top it all off, there's The Facebook awards. No word yet if the ceremony will be held in Cannes.

...and in the related dislike department, an Israeli couple have named their baby "Like" after the Facebook button. Yes really Inspired by Facebook, Israeli couple name baby 'Like'. Mum and Dad are Mr Lior Adler and Vardit Adler, her sisters are Pie and Vash, so Like Adler will fit right in.

“We named her Like because it’s modern and innovative. I checked that the name does not exist elsewhere in the country, that was the main condition for me. When I posted her picture and name on Facebook I got 40 ‘likes.’ Considering that I have only a little more than 100 friends on the network that’s a lot.”

I don't know why I suddenly flashed back to 28 days later and a rash of Zombies running toward the hospital. We're all gonna die ..work for Facebook soon, aren't we?src="adland.tv/kea-facebook-tag-2009-135-sweden">Ikea showroom) were done without facebook involvement, in fact the sacrifice pissed FB off quite a bit and was as the NYT puts it "defriended" by Facebook.

Still in effort to make good friends with the ad agencies now, Facebook has a Gallery, a Spotlight and an agency directory. To top it all off, there's The Facebook awards. No word yet if the ceremony will be held in Cannes.

...and in the related dislike department, an Israeli couple have named their baby "Like" after the Facebook button. Yes really Inspired by Facebook, Israeli couple name baby 'Like'. Mum and Dad are Mr Lior Adler and Vardit Adler, her sisters are Pie and Vash, so Like Adler will fit right in.

“We named her Like because it’s modern and innovative. I checked that the name does not exist elsewhere in the country, that was the main condition for me. When I posted her picture and name on Facebook I got 40 ‘likes.’ Considering that I have only a little more than 100 friends on the network that’s a lot.”

I don't know why I suddenly flashed back to 28 days later and a rash of Zombies running toward the hospital. We're all gonna die ..work for Facebook soon, aren't we?

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