Ebay - now Ebabe with guitars.

Robblink noticed this years ago, and the trend is still going strong. Ebay sellers with access to pretty women pose their stuff with said pretty women in hopes of raising the bids of their stuff. It's the worlds oldest advertising trick, after all, it's gotta work, right? For example this ad for a 1972 Les Paul deluxe Gold guitar has a lass dressed in an evening gown to go with it. The young lady holding that guitar is probably half the guitars age. There's been a drop in naked men holding X-boxes recently. Not that I'm constantly trawling eBay for photos like these. Nu-uh. We should set up a quickly forgotten tumblr-site with these.

src="adland.tv/bays-xxx-mas-auctions">naked men holding X-boxes recently. Not that I'm constantly trawling eBay for photos like these. Nu-uh. We should set up a quickly forgotten tumblr-site with these.

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