Dirty 'Launch Stunts' - hot dog & mime promotes production company

Oh, hello, it's been a while since we got fun self-promotional stuff. Here's an odd self-promo spot from a new production company, Dirty. Having previously worked at Gorgeous, Independent, th1ng th2ng, and freelanced for companies around Europe, Ben Parkin and Alex Bedford have decided to get down and dirty with it all and launched their own shop. A creative lead production company where the "Dirty" brand is a mark and carries meaning, everyone gets their hands dirty, working collaboratively, working smart and getting it done. "We always liked the idea of a production company existing as much away from the screen as it exists on it, so not just a website or a long list of directors' names, but a working culture people can identity with." Ben explains.

First project, make noise. "We took to the streets and enlisted the help of two unconventional friends, who came armed with a bin bag of roses, a box of flyers and a Dirty placard. We spent three very long days and nights wandering between London’s top agencies spreading the Dirty word. Here’s a little video of the nuisance we caused, captioned: 'Dirty stunt video discovered at crucial point in sex education film (spot the agency)’."

Good luck out there guys. The mime and sad hot dog is perfect.

Production: Dirty
Music courtesy of Wake The Town

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