Clever ad-idea found in Canon's "second shot" site.

Dear Canon, we see that you're making seconds shots for people who failed the first time, and we think it's very clever. I know you can't help me take the second shots of my daughters entire first year, which all died in a hardware crash of ginormous proportions, but taking second shots of hastily arranged eloping and whatever else you'll be submitted is a sweet little idea. Don't botch this up, I want to see pretty pictures and happy endings. Hurry up with that Vegas shoot already!

Lisa and Mike describe themselves as a somewhat conservative couple who live a quiet life in their hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. So it was quite out of character for them when one day, they spontaneously hopped on a plane to Vegas and eloped. Kitschy white wedding chapel, check. Marriage license, check. Wedding photo….meh.
So we’ve brought The Wrobbels back to the exact same chapel where they first tied the knot, to retake their Vegas-tastic wedding photo. Stay tuned for some behind-the-scenes photos of their Las Vegas adventure, part deux.

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