BMW X3 - Bruce Lee (2006) 0:30 (Spain)

Agency: SCPF, Spain
Creative Directors: Allan Batievsky, Carlos Lanzón
Art Director: Ainhoa Nagore
Copywriter: Fran Segarra
Agency Producers: Edu Farrè, Clara Balaguer
Client Services Director: Daniel Mart"nez-Tessier
Account Director: Mercedes Garc"a del R"o
Account Supervisor: Fernando Hernández
Production Company: Alamo Films
Producer: Juanfran Valderas, Luciano Firmo
Director: Allan Batievsky
Director of Photography: Christos Vodouris
Editor: Allan Batievsky
Post-production: Serena
Music: Pepe Egea
Audio post-production: Jingle Box

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