Copywriter telegrams: Need Work (Stop) In good shop (Stop).

Did you hear about that copywriter who is attempting to get his foot in the advertising door by using the oldest of old media, telegrams? For one thing, I had no idea that one could still telegram. Where do you send them off from? Are they hand delivered to the agency by a guy in a neat uniform and hat like in the old movies? I've never even seen a telegram, you've piqued my curiosity for retro-tech, tell me more Zack Filler the telegramming copywriter.

Zack: "There is a website called and they will send the telegrams to any address you like. All over the world. They get delivered to the agency, barring any complication in the mail room. I've never seen a real one either. "

DB: So you sent $50 worth of Telegrams, can you share to which agencies you sent them? Put it this way, which agencies do work that you admire, who uses media in a permanently curious way like you do here?

Zack: I sent them to ZAK in Toronto, Rethink in Vancouver, CP+B, BBH, AMV in London, I wanted to send one to Mother but I can't figure out who runs things over there. W+K in Portland and Chiat Day.

DB: Is there any medium where you think advertising has no place?

Zack: In your dreams. Unless you work in advertising then you probably dream in ads.

DB: Dreams. Nice one. Speaking of, who would be your dream client?

Zack: I think it would be really interesting to work on Brooks bike seats from England. They become the most comfortable seats but you really have to work at it. Which is kind of fun. Or Per Se in New York I'd do it for trade. Or IFC and AMC because they have some great shows but not that many ads. That's almost enough clients for an agency!

DB: Right, last chance on the mike Zack, anything else you'd like to say?

Zack: I will quote a headline that I would write if I made an ad for myself: "I'm the worst copywriter, but that doesn't stop me from being the best." I'm not the most talented guy but I'm the hardest working one.

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