Calling all N.Y. Adlisters and perhaps a few Adlanders

This coming Thursday - the 19th of October 2000 - at eight p.m. (that's 20.00 hours) Dabitch is in New York City hanging with a bunch of New York Adlisters at the White Horse Tavern.

The White Horse is conveniently located at the corner of Hudson and 11th Street and is for those of you who didn't know - the place where Dylan Thomas drank himself to death. We think it's appropriate.

Dylan himself might be there - as it is said his ghost occasionally returns to rotate his favorite corner table.

Be there - and wear something terribly ad-related to be recognised. :) Ha!

(I'll be the gal in blue, white and black hair - I think you'll spot me!)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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