Only an inch away from the orginal...

When flogging some weight-loss product - always use the visual of a BELT. MMmmm'K? Actually - these are smarter than that - but oh-so-alike..

someone belt them.

Resume spotted these almost to-the-letter identical ads in Sweden and Finland.
The top ad depicting a belt has little headlines pointing to each hole. "World cup in the states" "Professional" "Injured"... "Hanging at the Café" (famous bar in Stockholm) "Selling underwear" and ending with "..Time for another habit?" signed off with a pack-shot. The little headlines insinuate that it is Thomas Brolin's belt we are looking at.This ad was made by BBDO Allansson Nilsson Rififi , Rosita Johnsson was the Art Director and Jonas Peterson was the writer.

They may or may not have seen this:

An ad depicting another belt - but rather than little headlines it measures up how many percent lower fat margarine's there are and points out that it is lowest - so no little clever in-jokes about athletes no-one cares about. This ad was made in Suomi Finland,
by Creator Grey in Helsinki and was selected to the finals in the Epica of 1998 and scored a bronze award at the New York festivals 1999. It's been out there. we've seen it. Actually - if we care to remember we've probably seen all kinds of belt and weight-loss testimonials done before... Like.. a gazillion times.

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