Art Director sells copywriters notes & Copywriter sells life

Welcome to this weeks blowout sale in Adland! Everything must go!

First up , agency spy reports on the the Art Director who is selling his former copywriters notebooks on Ebay - seems his CW, Aaron Robnett, left that cushy agency job to join a comedy start-up in Boston. His Art Director Daniel Shapiro is a bit peeved and found 20 left-behind notebooks containing Robnett's ideas, which he is now selling on Ebay. Hardyhar! The current bid is at $56, a steal if you know how to decipher copywriter scribblings which is ten time worse than any doctors handwriting.

Meanwhile, in Sweden - Resumé reports that Copywriter Anna Lindstein at Futurniture has gotten tired of her life as a writer in advertising, fallen in love with an American guy named JR, and decided to sell everything she owns on Sweden's version of Ebay to finance her trip and stay in the states. Sixhundred and sixty six items have been advertised on the site tradera (with exceptional writing, of course), everything from her washing machine to the painting she inherited from her grandmother. What she'll do after her visa runs out is unclear. Resume asks some probing questions, like will she really be leaving advertising forever now that she's planning on moving to W+K HQ city, Portland and: What about practical details, did you get a greencard?

"No, that adds to the 'open plans', we'll just have to see how everything works out. At least we have free rent for a month.

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